Transition, Evolution and Destiny....
There are transitional phases of everyone's life...a natural evolution of the process in the creation of our own destiny......
I am at one of the most exciting transition points of my life to date and it leaves my in awe just watching the process unfold.
I've always had faith in "the process". I believe that everything we do in our life leads us on a particular path for a reason. At each fork in the road our direction may change but it is always moves us forward, narrowing our path and directing us for a reason...a greater purpose to bring us closer to that place we each individually strive to exist. For me, there has always been a clear picture of where I want to be emotionally, physically, financially, professionally...encompassing my whole life...a seamless blending of balance between home and career.
Right now, at this very moment in my life, I am experiencing my life almost as an observer. I feel the past 45 years of choices, decisions, trials, lessons, heartbreak and triumphs have lead me right here, right now. I am, for the first time in my life, experiencing the work from the past, create the present and set up the future....and what a wonderful place to be!
Have you ever had a time when you feel like you are standing still just watching things unfold in front of you...just fall into place with what seems like no effort? Opportunities presenting themselves without asking for them, the master plan happening right in front of your eyes as if you were watching a movie from inside the movie? Its an amazing, powerful, exhilarating place and I am so thankful, humble and ready for the reveal!
Why do I share this with you??? To renew, refresh, revitalize your faith in your own path! I can tell you from my own experience that if you keep that "ultimate, clear picture" in your mind of what you want your life to look like; feel like, be will reach it!! Don't forget that every experience gives us an opportunity to learn the lesson at hand, in return we grow from it and take one step closer to our ultimate place.
Life will always be work, but the work becomes less like work as you approach that place that you strive for. We will always have our lessons to learn along the way....when we think we know it all, we stop learning and growing....don't ever go there! Use the experiences to build on themselves, lifting you higher toward your goals and never, ever give up the journey! Whether you are crawling, walking, or running....always move forward...all of them mean progress :-) As you begin to feel, see and live your dream become reality....share it with others, encourage them to stay focused on their dreams as well. Surround yourself with the "doers" not the "donoters". Remember, we are who we surround ourselves with, keep good company with those who know more, have more (no, not the superficial!), and do more and you will be better for it!
My journey is far from over but I can tell you its a beautiful place when you watch all your hard work pay off. Live with passion, be the example, know what your destiny looks like and reap the rewards that await you.....
Be well my friends! :-)